Order of Worship
- Call to Worship: Psalm 8
- Opening Prayer
- Hymn # 19 O come, let us sing to the Lord
- Scripture Reading: 1 Thess 4:13-18
- Pastoral Prayer
- Hymn # 204 Alleluia! … hearts to heaven
- Sermon: 1 Cor 15:23-28
- Hymn # 224 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
- Benediction
Wednesday night bible study & prayer meeting will be at 7:30pm this week at the Yap’s home. We will be discussing chapter 2 of Jerry Bridges’ book The Discipline of Grace.
- Kindly refer to the member’s page on our website to review the duty roster for your scheduled services in July.
Cry room is available at the back of the hall.
Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted.
Please reserve the last 3 rows for those with small children.
- All of the tithes & offerings received today will go toward our future building fund. Please see our bank details if you wish to contribute online.
- Acc Name: ERBC Church Building Fund
- BSB: 036-051
- Acc No: 545881
- Kindly refer to the member’s page on our website to review the duty roster for your scheduled services in July.
- Any prayer request can be sent to: prayer@erbc.org.au. Please indicate if you wish the items to be confidential.
All visitors are welcome to stay for our dinner following the worship service.
We will have a young adult’s meeting with dinner on 30 June at the Beardmore’s home at 5pm.
The men’s theology group will meet at 1:30pm on 1 July at Pastor Allen’s office.
A new member’s class will begin meeting on 2 July after dinner. Please talk to Pastor Allen if you wish to attend.
- Any prayer request can be sent to: prayer@erbc.org.au. Please indicate if you wish the requests to remain confidential.