Order of Worship
- Call to Worship: Psalm 102
- Opening Prayer
- Hymn # 374 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
- Scripture Reading
- Pastoral Prayer
- Hymn # 372 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake
- Sermon
- Hymn # 391 Come, for the feast is spread
- Benediction
- Wednesday night prayer meeting will be at 7:30pm this week at the Beardmore’s home;
- Cry room is available at the back of the hall;
- Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted;
- Please reserve the back rows for those with small children;
- All visitors are welcome to stay for our dinner following the worship service;
- Any prayer request can be sent to: prayer@erbc.org.au. Please indicate if you wish the items to be confidential;
- The Gibello family is with us today, Caleb will be preaching in our worship service, please feel free to talk with them about their work in PNG;
- Parents please remember the announcement during our last business meeting about no children running or using large toys (eg. balls, toys with wheels) in the main foyer;
- On 24 December we will be reaching out to those unfamiliar with Christianity by having a bible study on “Who is Jesus Christ?”.
- On 31 December our bible study time will run from 2:15-3:15pm and it will be a time for members to stand and give thanks to the Lord for his kindness this past year.