- Wednesday night bible study & prayer meeting will be at the Yap’s home at 7:30pm this week, Please read chapter 26 from Select Letters of John Newton, This letter is available online: https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/newton/The_Letters_of_John_Newton_-_John_Newton.pdf (page 101-105 under heading “God rules All!” )
- Cry room is available down the hall just outside our main meeting hall;
- No running children around the AV equipment;
- Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted;
- Please make sure that children stay out of the mother/baby room when the sign is posted;
- All of the tithes and offerings received today will be put toward our building fund, Please see our church’s bank details below if you wish to contribute;
- The men’s theology meetings will resume this Saturday 5 February, we will be studying Paul Tripp’s book Parenting14 Gospel Principles, please read the introduction & chapter 1
- Worship Scripture and Hymns:
- Psalm 5
- Matthew 5:1-16, 38-48
- I Cor 6:1-11
- Hymns: 135, 587 ,543