Order of Worship
- Call to Worship: Psalm 26
- Opening Prayer
- Hymn # 328 (tune #330) Every morning mercies new
- Scripture Reading: Galations 3
- Pastoral Prayer
- Hymn # 452 Saviour, blessed Saviour, listen while we sing
- Sermon: 1 Cor 9:19-27
- Hymn # 599 The sands of time are sinking
- Benediction
- Wednesday night bible study & prayer meeting will be at the Yap’s house at 7:30pm this week. We will be discussing pages 136-143 in Pilgrims Progress.
- Cry room is available behind the pulpit.
- Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted.
- Please speak to Pastor Allen if you have anyone whom you wish to propose for nomination for the office of deacon or elder.
- Men’s theology group will meet at 1:30pm on Saturday 2 July. Please read chapters 8-9 of Paul Tripp’s book Parenting.
- Today all of our tithes & offerings will go toward our building fund, Please note the bank details below if you wish to give online
- Acc Name: ERBC Church Building Fund
- BSB: 036-051
- Acc No: 545881