" For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen. " –Romans 11:36 (ESV)

12 March 2023 (Click to expand)

Order of Worship

    • Call to Worship: Psalm 62
    • Opening Prayer
    • Hymn # 122 Of the Father’s love begotten
    • Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 32:24-31
    • Pastoral Prayer
    • Hymn # 741 (tune #423) Teach me the measure of my days
    • Sermon: 1 Cor 15:1-11
    • Hymn # 492 Take my life and let it be
    • Benediction


    • Wednesday night bible study & prayer meeting will be at 7:30pm this week at the Yap’s home. We’ll be discussing sections 5-6 in chapter 4 of Calvin’s Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life;

    • Cry room is available at the back of the hall;

    • Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted;

    • Please reserve the last 3 rows for those with small children;

    • All visitors are welcome to stay for our dinner following the worship service;

    • If you eat dinner in the foyer please clean up any major food items on the floor and push in the chairs before leaving your table;

    • Mothers with small children please feel free to use the additional changing table in the ambulant toilet room if necessary;

    • The teachers & helpers for the children’s Sunday school class ages 2-6 will have training this evening at 6:15pm, parents who have small children are also invited to attend;

    • At dinner this evening Andy Yu will be having an organisational meeting with all those who serve in the kitchen;

    • We will be having a regularly scheduled business meeting on 26 March at 4:15pm. All members please plan to attend. Our worship service that day will be at 2:15pm and there will be no children’s Sunday school or adult bible study.