Order of Worship
- Call to Worship: Psalm 85
- Opening Prayer
- Hymn # 133 O for a thousand tongues to sing
- Scripture Reading: Eph 2:1-10
- Pastoral Prayer
- Sermon: Mark 10:46-52
- Testimonies
- Baptisms
- Hymn # 421 (1st tune) Rock of Ages, cleft for me
- Benediction
Wednesday night bible study & prayer meeting will be at 7:30pm this week at the Yap’s home. We will be discussing chapter 10 of Jerry Bridges’ book The Discipline of Grace;
Cry room is available at the back of the hall;
Please turn your mobile phones on silent so that the Lord’s worship is not interrupted;
Please reserve the back rows for those with small children;
All visitors are welcome to stay for our dinner following the worship service;
Any prayer request can be sent to: prayer@erbc.org.au. Please indicate if you wish the items to be confidential;
Today we will be having a baptismal service & those being baptised will be giving their testimonies.